29 March 2023
LOVE Party co-creators Lynn Irving, Julie Tasker and Rachel Elnaugh are interviewed by Nick at UNWASHED
21 March 2023
LOVE Party co-creators Lynn Irving, Julie Tasker and Rachel Elnaugh were interviewed by Sofia Mona Lisa ~ with the focus on the Party’s astrology.
9 February 2023
Brian Gerrish of UK Column interviewed the LOVE Party co-founders Lynn Irving, Julie Tasker and Rachel Elnaugh. This was our first major interview and it opened the floodgates of new Members and other interview requests.
We are aware that several alleged ‘Freedom Movement’ activists have publicly criticised UK Column for interviewing us ~ for reasons we remain perplexed by. We are extremely grateful for the support of Brian and his team.
31 January 2023
LOVE Party co-founder Rachel Elnaugh is interviewed on the Richie Allen Show ~ at 22 minutes in.
23 January 2023
The LOVE Party was launched. Here is our ‘birthchart’…
The Party’s astrology was subsequently analysed by Sofia Mona Lisa (see 21 March 2023 video interview)